Science Ping
Planet Earth

Extremely rare astronomical phenomenon “Black Moon” will appear tomorrow evening

As the name suggests, this astronomical phenomenon will make the entire Western Hemisphere dark “like a pot”.

According to National Geographic, a rare astronomical event called Black Moon (“Black Moon”) will appear on the evening of September 30 and make the skies of the Western Hemisphere as dark as the night of September 30.

Many people fear this is a sign of the end of the world, but the scientific world has confirmed that you have nothing to fear and gives an explanation for this mysterious astronomical phenomenon.

According to scientists, the “dark moon” phenomenon occurs when parts lit by the moon fall into the earth’s shadow, making it unobservable. This phenomenon only occurs once every 32 months.

“Black moon” is basically a call that people put on to indicate the second appearance of the new moon in a month. We know that, normally, there are 12 full moons each year corresponding to 12 months.

Hiện tượng thiên văn cực hiếm Trăng đen sẽ xuất hiện tối mai - Ảnh 2.

So what will the black moon look like?

Hiện tượng thiên văn cực hiếm Trăng đen sẽ xuất hiện tối mai - Ảnh 3.

As noted above, “dark moons” occur when parts of the Moon that illuminate the Moon fall into the Earth’s shadow, so that the Moon completely disappears in the sky and leaves the night without light. Come on. A few days later, you will slowly see a crescent shaped coin of silver appear in the sky.

Hiện tượng thiên văn cực hiếm Trăng đen sẽ xuất hiện tối mai - Ảnh 4.

But with this astronomical phenomenon, only residents of the Western Hemisphere (including North America, South America, Western part of Europe and Africa) will have the opportunity to admire it! The Black Moon will occur at 8:11 am ET.

As for those who reside in the Eastern Hemisphere (part of Europe, Asia, Australia), don’t be too sad as “Black Moon” will appear next month, 10/30 or 10/31, depending on where you live.

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