Science Ping
Planet Earth

“Duplicate Earth” is qualified to form life!

An extremely terrestrial planet, 385 days long, in the habitable zone of another solar system, has just been identified as chemically qualified to form life.

Kepler-452b, a planet 1,400 light years from our solar system, has just been determined to have the optimum chemical conditions to create life.

This is the result which has just been published by the research team at the University of Cambridge and the Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC (UK) in the publication recently published in the scientific journal Science Advances.

By determining how much ultraviolet light the planet can receive from its central star and applying various algorithms, the authors claim that Kepler-452 – the star playing the role of “the sun” in this planetary system – is able to influence and to create the chemical reactions that take place in life.

As many previous studies have shown, in addition to the living conditions conducive to life such as the right distance from the sun, the orbit, the size of the planet, the temperature, the atmosphere …, a planet must have the elements. chemical reactions necessary to start life.

Our Earth has gone through this phase, when the sun’s ultraviolet rays trigger the chemical reactions that constitute the “building blocks of life”, then the first organisms.

This is what scientists discovered at Kepler-452b.

Since its first sighting in 2015, this planet has surprised and has been compared to the cousin of Earth. Because, despite the different solar system, he and the earth are eerily similar. Kepler-452b is about the size of our Earth, in the habitable zone of the solar system in which it resides, almost 1 year ago on Earth: almost 385 days.

However, because the distance of 1,400 light years is so great, scientists have serious difficulty studying it. But with what can be found as a suitable atmosphere and then the optimum chemical conditions for life as the above study just mentioned, it is a good candidate for the search for outer life.

Unfortunately, if Kepler-452b were to have life, it would be impossible to visit alien friends. If we try to find it with one of NASA’s most modern spacecraft – New Horizons, speed 59,000 km / h – it will take about … 25.8 million years to meet them.

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