Science Ping
Strange News

Dozens of eagles have been poisoned to death

Bolivian authorities are investigating the deaths of 35 rare Andean hawks in a rural area southwest of Tarija province.

“This loss is extremely serious for nature,” said biologist Diego Mendez. “Birds that died in Tarijia on 2/7 may represent 0.5% of the species’ population.”

The Andes, or ancient vulture (Vultur gryphus), are currently classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as “near threatened” with a population of only around 6,700 worldwide. They are one of the largest raptors when they can grow up to 1.3 meters in length and have a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters.

Initial investigation revealed the animals died of poisoning, possibly a few days ago, but the motive remains unclear. The culprit may have targeted birds or attempted to poison other animals, but accidentally killed the eagle because they were scavengers.

“This is one of the biggest murders of endangered animals in Bolivia. We must condemn this action and investigate to the end,” Tarija governor Adrian Oliva told AFP.

The Andes are a national emblematic animal of Bolivia and play an important role in the folklore of the Andean community. They mainly live in the savannas and alpine regions of South America. In recent decades, populations of species have declined dramatically due to habitat loss and poisoning by hunters.

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