Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Discovered a rare species of black fox in England

Mr. Paul Stevens, 67 years old in England couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the rare black fox in the wild.

Con cáo đen có màu lông khác thường do đột biến gene.The black fox has an unusual coat color due to a genetic mutation.

At first glance, people might mistake this black fox for a dog. However, it is an extremely rare species of fox.

Mr Stevens’ wife Lorraine spotted the fox one Saturday morning from their bedroom window.

“The fox seems very alert and cautious. I took a few photos before running away” – said Mr. Stevens.

The black fox is known to be a rare species of fox in the wild. The unusual color of their coat is caused by genetic mutations.

In the Middle Ages, people were afraid to meet a black fox because they thought it brought bad luck.

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