Science Ping

Discover the anticancer and anti-aging effects of artichoke

Artichoke is a healthy food, has a cooling effect and prevents the risk of cancer.

100 g of artichoke contain 84.94 g of water; 47kcal of energy. They also contain 3.27 g of protein; 10.51 g of carbohydrates; 5.4 g of fiber; 0.99 g of sugar … and many other minerals.

  • The artichoke helps prevent aging: the artichoke is rich in antioxidants such as gallic acid, rutin, quercetin, cynarin … play an important role in cell rejuvenation and immune strengthening.

Atiso rất giàu chất chống oxy hóa, giúp tăng cường miễn dịch.

  • Helps Detoxify the Liver and Improve Digestion: Artichokes contain nutrients that help treat indigestion, protect the intestinal tract, and are a useful shield to protect liver health. You can apply the following remedy from artichokes: Use 10-20g fresh artichoke with water or 5-10g if used dry every day. Packaged tea should only drink 2-3 sachets per day, this is sufficient. Don’t use too much artichoke as it can lead to digestive upset.
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: Numerous studies have shown that artichoke helps lower cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing the possibility of heart related diseases. You can apply the following remedy: Ingredients: 50g of artichoke flower, 100g of potato, 50g of carrot, 150g of pork chop, just enough spices. How to do it: Clean the artichoke flowers, potatoes, carrots, cut into pieces. Pork ribs are washed, cut into pieces, seasoned and simmered, followed by potatoes, carrots, artichokes while stirring, continue to boil when the food is ready to serve, can be eaten with rice, bread, vermicelli … To eat once a day, 5 to 10 days should be consumed.
  • Helps in Weight Loss: Artichoke fiber helps you experience cravings for a long time while reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Skin Beauty: Containing many vitamins (A, E, C, E) and antioxidants (carotenoids, tocopherols, flavonoids), artichokes improve your skin, help brighten, healthy skin and reduce wrinkles.
  • Improve Memory: The phosphorus and vitamin C in artichokes help improve memory and cognitive enhancement.
  • Improve bone health: Artichoke contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, and other antioxidants that work to improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Iron supplement for the body: Artichoke is also an excellent source of plant iron, especially suitable for vegetarians – when they do not absorb iron from meat and animal eggs.

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