Science Ping
Planet Earth

Come here and watch: NASA just took a photo of a black hole and it made fans cry because … so beautiful

Not only does it look good, it’s also considered the best and most accurate simulation ever.

Remember that in April 2019, the world and the scientific community in particular must have been excited and shocked when the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project announced the first image in the history of the cosmic black hole.

A centenary proclamation, considered one of the most important events in the history of astronomy. However, due to technological limitations, the photo is of rather poor quality, blurry and unclear.

That’s fine, taking pictures of a black hole – something that can absorb everything, including light, is definitely not easy.

But technology will develop, sooner or later the clearest images of cosmic black holes will come out. In the meantime, NASA has decided to create a simulation of what would potentially be an image of a cosmic black hole in the future.

We know that this simulation image was produced by NASA for Black Hole Week magazine. And it’s so beautiful that it makes the community of cosmic astronomy fans on the internet cry.

The image released in April by NASA is of a super black hole. According to current human knowledge, most galaxies in the universe have a super black hole in the center, but why they are there remains a mystery. What happened first, a black hole or a galaxy? Nobody knows.

What we know about black holes so far is that they are huge, massing millions if not billions of times that of the solar system of the solar system. They can control the formation of a star. And when they woke up and started to swallow it all, that’s when they became one of the brightest objects in the universe.

In fact, there have been images that simulate black holes in the past, such as the version that first appeared in the 1960s by the IBM 7040 computer, or drawn by hand by astronomer Jean-Pierre Luminet. in 1978. … All are quite similar to a NASA simulation.

In the simulations, we see a black circle in the center. It’s called the “event horizon” – the event horizon – the limit before matter is absorbed by a black hole and can be returned due to the black hole’s intense gravity.

From the center of the black hole, there is a ring of matter orbiting around. This mass of matter is very large, capable of emitting radiation by friction, enough for us to receive a signal with a periscope. This is also how people got the first image of an M87 cosmic black hole last April.

Around the event horizon is a ring of light photons, emanating from the region of the accretion disk behind the black hole. But because black holes have such dense gravity, even the region of space-time outside the event horizon is bent, causing light to bend around the black hole.

One side of the accretion disk is also lighter than the other half, due to the relative illumination. The side of the disc moving towards us will be clearer, as it is closer to the speed of light. Taking the other half away from us will have the opposite effect.

Based on these factors, NASA created a new image, considered a very accurate version. These simulations will become tools, allowing science to better understand the physical phenomena surrounding a cosmic black hole, and thus obtain a faithful image.

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