Science Ping

CIA decrypts related material “through space” with … mind

In 1983, the CIA wrote a cryptic report, roughly translated as “Gateway Experience,” claiming that the altered state of consciousness can transcend space and time.

The 29-page document titled “Analysis and Assessment of the Entry Process” was declassified in 2003. Many see the report as part of a larger CIA investigation into the use of the concepts of Mind Control and hypnosis in espionage efforts during the Cold War.

It’s a dense and lengthy report that covers everything from neuroscience to quantum mechanics and more.

Basically, however, it stems from the CIA’s goal of studying the idea of ​​creating a deep out-of-body experience that can adapt to a kind of real-world realism.

“Gateway Experience is a training system designed to improve strength, focus and align with the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres to change consciousness, move it beyond of the physical beach to finally get rid of the constraints of time and space, ”the report says.

The technique, called the Gateway Process, is based on an idea developed by the Monroe Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on the discovery of human consciousness. The theory suggests that certain exercises can allow the brain to perform a process called “hemi-synchronization,” in which brain waves from the right and left hemispheres synchronize at the same frequency and amplitude.

The report argues that blood pressure synchronization can be achieved through a series of meditation-like exercises while listening to a series of sound waves, called the gateway bands.

According to the report, the universe is a complex system of “interactive energy fields” in which states are simply variations of energy. Human consciousness is no different, it’s just a pattern of oscillating energy. When ‘half-synchronization’ is achieved, the report emphasizes, it is possible to trigger an altered state of consciousness, in which the vibrations of consciousness are unaffected by physical reality and merge into this pure energy field. .

Based on the ideas of quantum entanglement, the report claims that human consciousness can profoundly change the universe due to the fact that it is a three-dimensional projection. In the understanding of reality, everything is deeply connected in a matrix of interconnected energetic vibrations, from consciousness to the depths of the universe.

Some readers of the report went further and saw it as proof of the law of gravity – the philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results in life, while negative thinking brings negative results.

Many of the ideas in the report are taken from actual scientific research, but when they put them all together, researchers believe they are not currently testable. There are also many questionable theories, and the logical leaps in the mix are yet to be clarified.

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