Science Ping

Changes in the structure of the brain when practicing meditation

The benefits of meditation have been reinforced by new evidence found in the neuroscience field over the past five years as scientists have discovered real physiological changes in the practice of meditation. 

Recently, scientists at Massachusetts Hospital observed 16 people participating in an eight-week mindfulness meditation program. This type of meditation focuses on the non-judgmental awareness of sensations and sensations. The subjects exercised about 30 minutes per day.

Cranial imagery was studied for each subject before and after the practical course. Scientists noticed an increase in the density of gray matter (where the bodies of nerve cells are located) in the hippocampus, an area responsible for learning and memory, and they found a decrease in density in the amygdala. – is the cause of our anxiety and stress responses. .

One area that remains unchanged is the insula, which is associated with self-perception. Researchers believe that longer meditation can affect this area.

All of this reminds us of two things:

1. The brain is capable of much more variation than scientists think.

2. The way we feel – calm or anxious – can be correlated with how our brain structures work.

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