Science Ping
Planet Earth

Believe it or not, our Earth has been nearly ‘wiped out’ five times

Mankind’s life has been threatened on the brink of “Doomsday” by horrific events.

Earth – our home was formed in the universe approximately 4.55 billion years ago, experiencing countless events, including times on the verge of “the end of the world”.

Therefore, from the very beginning, our ancestors have always tried to predict the future of a day when the Earth is completely “wiped out”.

The prophets of the past have all tried to give warnings in the future. However, we are still going through “calm sea” days.

Let’s take a look at 5 events in the history of Earth’s ‘end of the world’ history.

1. Earth will end the world on September 6, 1994

Harold Camping – a radio host and Christian evangelist made 12 different prophecies about the end of the world from Earth.

Tin được không, Trái đất của chúng ta đã từng suýt bị “xoá sổ” đến 5 lần - Ảnh 2.

In 1992 he published a book called “1994?”. In it, he predicts that a dark future for Earth will take place in 1994 based on the dates Hiccup found in the Bible.

However, this prophecy never came true. He went on to say that Earth would be wiped out in his next 11 predictions.

The last prophecy he made was on October 21, 2011. However, that day passed peacefully, he denied his predictions and assumed it was a math error.

2. Theory of the year 2000 on January 1, 2000

Perhaps the ‘millennium’ incident of 2000 (also known as the 2000 incident) is one of the most famous predictions of Revelation to date.

This problem occurs because the computer timer can only count days, months, and years using the last two digits of the year. So, in the year 2000, the computer takes us back to 1900.

Tin được không, Trái đất của chúng ta đã từng suýt bị “xoá sổ” đến 5 lần - Ảnh 3.

At that time, those who believed in the year 2000 theory believed that at the dawn of the new millennium, the world’s computer system would collapse and cause unnecessary disasters.

Many prophets have predicted catastrophes such as trains deviating from the tracks and planes falling due to disorganized computer systems. Even nuclear missiles can be launched automatically into the sky.

However, the world’s computer experts quickly restored the computer system to prevent a series of disasters.

3. The great flood of May 5, 2000

Author Richard W. Noone of the book “Ice, The Last Catastrophe” said: “The Earth will end the world on May 5, 2000”.

On this day, for the first time in 6,000 years, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Earth will form a straight line in orbit.

It is this arrangement that will cause a series of natural disasters. The three-mile-thick Antarctic ice sheet will melt everywhere, engulfing Earth in a violent cataclysm.

In the end, Richard failed to predict. Since then, no one has believed in his prophecies.

4. The activation of a large-scale molecular accelerator on September 10, 2008

It is widely believed that activating the LHC’s large-scale molecular accelerator will destroy the entire Earth. This machine is capable of creating a “mini version” Big Bang, devouring the Earth by “black holes”.

Tin được không, Trái đất của chúng ta đã từng suýt bị “xoá sổ” đến 5 lần - Ảnh 5.

Worried about their own survival, many people have sued the machine operators. At the same time, they require that a safety report be submitted before the accelerator can be used.

Fortunately, so far, the LHC has yet to make any black holes … as we know it.

5. Earth Apocalypse December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012 marks the end of the 13th period of the ancient Mayan calendar. Therefore, some have predicted that this day is also the end of the world for all mankind.

Tin được không, Trái đất của chúng ta đã từng suýt bị “xoá sổ” đến 5 lần - Ảnh 6.

This prediction caused confusion around the world. A series of shock events are expected to include alien invasions, massive ultraviolet blasts and rising tides when planetary order is disrupted.

Tin được không, Trái đất của chúng ta đã từng suýt bị “xoá sổ” đến 5 lần - Ảnh 7.

Even a “confused” man in China believes this prediction and has spent over $ 130,000 to own a Noah to deal with the great floods.

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