Science Ping

Another galaxy sends a “rainbow” signal to Earth 18 times

This image of a rainbow alien that a group of international astrophysicists just released shows how strange radio signals from another galaxy are approaching the Earth’s Low Frequency Telescope (LOFAR).

The strange rainbow colors of the actual image are often invisible, but rather the spectral image of a radio flash, an extremely powerful form of radio signal. The part of the signal with the highest frequency (purple) approaches Earth first, the part with the lowest frequency (red) approaches last.

According to Sci-News, radio lightning (FRB) is a mysterious explosion of energy from the universe, emitted only in an extremely short time (a few milliseconds), but carries energy equal to about 10,000 years of radiant energy. Quantity of the Sun. The source of the radio flash remains a mystery. Previous studies have suggested that this type of signal could be caused by a supernova explosion, a neutron collision, or even a signal from an alien civilization.

This time, the international team led by McGill University astronomer Ziggy Pleunis (UK) focused on research FRB 180916.J0158 +65, a radio wave burst first discovered in 2018 thanks to the CHIME radio telescope (located in Canada) and has repeated it 18 times so far.

They used the LOFAR super telescope of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) to further study this anomalous signal.

It was also the lowest radio burst on record. It can go down to 110 MHz, even lower, whereas previous studies have estimated that it must be at 300 MHz or more for radio flashes to emit very far and reach Earth through frequencies too bass are quickly absorbed by cosmic structures. The source of this particular signal is a mysterious object about 500 million light years from us, belonging to another galaxy.

This signal source also produces more or less different radio wave flashes at different times. Researchers believe the mysterious emitting object is a binary star. The area around it must be extremely transparent and it has clearly found a very “awkward” way to reach Earth and remains solid, not being absorbed in the middle.

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