Science Ping

Alcohol Can Shorten Your Lifespan By 28 Years

New study shows that people who drink too much alcohol every day can seriously affect longevity.

We all know that alcohol addiction is dangerous. Apparently drinking wine or a few beers occasionally, and even according to some scientific studies, it can have some health benefits. But once a person has regularly consumed alcohol in large amounts, a person can be diagnosed with an alcohol disorder, commonly known as alcoholism.

A new study shows that people who drink a lot of alcohol every day are particularly susceptible to alcoholism, which can seriously affect longevity. The study, which involved collecting data on more than 107,000 people in Europe, showed that people diagnosed with alcohol use disorders were more likely to die sooner than normal people.

The study included information on all people hospitalized for alcohol use disorders from Denmark, Finland and Sweden between 1987 and the end of 2006. This is a very large number of samples, despite the data. Is limited to people in three countries, but the results can be considered representative of the expected results of the total population of many other countries. “People hospitalized for an alcohol use disorder are on average 47-53 years old (men) and 50-58 years old (women),” the researchers said. “Earlier than non-drinkers”.

After compiling the numbers, the researchers determined that on average, people hospitalized for alcohol use disorders experienced a decrease in overall life expectancy from 24 to 28 years. It goes without saying that alcohol dramatically reduces longevity, and through extensive research into the effects of alcohol on the human body, we have learned what the risk factors are.

First, not only is the liver affected by alcohol, but the heart as a whole is also affected. Abnormal heart rate, stroke, and other potentially serious complications associated with alcohol abuse. If you or someone you care about is showing symptoms of alcoholism, it is important that they get the proper help from a professional. Stopping drinking alcohol without adequate support can be dangerous or even fatal, depending on the specific condition of each patient. It is not something that you can easily quit on your own, it is like being addicted to tobacco or another drug.

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