Science Ping
Planet Earth Space

A solar eclipse seen from the moon will look like, you know?

More or less, you have seen a solar eclipse through books, newspapers, social networks … But have you ever wondered what a solar eclipse looks like if you look from the side of the Moon?

The recent total solar eclipse is one of the most significant astronomical events of the century. However, whether it is observed directly or not, we surely all know what this phenomenon looks like through books, television, Youtube videos …

But have you ever wondered what a solar eclipse would look like when viewed from the Moon? No need to be curious anymore, as NASA recently released a video recording the scene.

Specifically, the video is stitched together from images taken by satellites from the Moon on August 21. We see the shadow of the Moon gliding rapidly over the surface of the Earth at a speed of up to 670 m / s. According to NASA, the video is just over 10 seconds long, but it takes 52,224 photos to combine.

It is known that this satellite was launched towards the Moon on June 18, 2009. Since its exploitation, it has obtained numerous documentary images, thus helping people to better understand our solar system.

And this time, it helps us understand what it is like to observe a solar eclipse on Earth from the Moon.

In fact, seen from the point of view of the Moon, a solar eclipse is like a normal day there, because the essence of this phenomenon is that the Moon stands between the Earth and the Sun. If you want to see a solar eclipse on Earth, you have to wait until there is a lunar eclipse.

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