Science Ping
Strange News

A blue volcano lit up the skies of Indonesia

The flame and lava flow that gushes out of Kawah Ijen crater in Indonesia is blue from the sulphurous gas, creating a rare spectacle.

Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia’s East Java province is throwing bright blue sparks nearly 5 meters high in the sky, Media Drum World reported yesterday. According to experts, the blue flame is not derived from lava, but from volcanic gas.

Large amounts of sulphurous gas in Kawah Ijen volcano come in contact with oxygen in the air and are burned by molten lava in a blinding blue. This volcanic population is among the few places with the highest density of sulfur in the world.

Unlike conventional volcanoes with hot red lava visible during the day, the blue flame of Kawah Ijen volcano is only observed at night. Tour organizer Donny Nugraha Pratama from Tangerang, Indonesia took a series of photos capturing a mountain scene lit by a blue light during a visit.

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