Science Ping

4 times to drink dangerous water that Vietnamese need to stop immediately for fear of harming the heart, damaging the intestines and increasing blood pressure

Drinking enough water is good for the body, but does not mean that you can drink water all the time. Even drinking too much water at these 4 times is also harmful to the body, which many people do not realize.

As can be seen, drinking water is the healthiest and most versatile method of physical recovery. When you have a fever, period cramps, constipation, or you gain weight too quickly … everyone is advised to drink plenty of water.

Although the water is not as effective as rumors are. But the complete and timely reconstitution of water is indeed a method to ensure the health of the organism because it allows to promote digestion, to accelerate the elimination of toxins …

4 thời điểm uống nước nguy hiểm mà người Việt cần bỏ ngay kẻo làm hại tim, hại ruột và tăng huyết áp - Ảnh 1.
Right before I go to bed

Drinking water before bed can improve your mood and make it easier to fall asleep, but drinking it right before bed can increase the number of times you urinate at night.

According to Healthline, drinking 1 to 2 glasses of water before bed can alter your sleep cycle and negatively affect heart health. A 2019 study found that adults who slept less than 6 hours at night had a higher risk of stroke or heart attack. In addition, it can also cause high blood pressure, increased bad cholesterol levels, and ultimately weight gain.

4 thời điểm uống nước nguy hiểm mà người Việt cần bỏ ngay kẻo làm hại tim, hại ruột và tăng huyết áp - Ảnh 2.

Also, drinking lots of fluids right before bed can affect your bladder function. If you are thirsty, drink water at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

Drink water before, during and after meals

Many people have a habit of drinking a few glasses of water with their meals, as they hope that the water will cleanse the food in the intestines, helping to support digestion. However, nutrition experts around the world have denied this information.

Various studies have shown that this action seriously interferes with digestion by diluting gastric juice and causing insulin levels to increase. In fact, drinking water before, during and after a meal is not good.

Renowned nutritionist Dr Anju Sood replied to NDTV: “It takes around 2 hours for the body to digest what you eat. Food passes through the esophagus to the stomach, then to the colon before being evacuated. If you consume water before a meal, you don’t just change the composition of the liquid by diluting what you eat, you also speed up the digestive process because food now enters the large intestine much sooner than it does. habit. it is not advisable to drink water immediately before a meal. “

In addition, she also said that drinking water after a meal is very dangerous as it not only promotes digestion, but also interferes with the natural absorption of nutrients after digestion.

So when should we drink the water?

According to BS. TS. Tu Tu (Vice President – General Secretary of the Vietnamese Nutrition Association): On average, each person needs 1.5 liters of food and drink water every day to replace the lost water and maintain their positions . We need to drink plenty of water at the following times:

– Early in the morning: Drink a glass of lukewarm water, after breakfast can drink coffee, tea …

– In the middle of the session: Drink water and drink broth during meals.

– Heavy jobs or athletes should drink more water.

4 thời điểm uống nước nguy hiểm mà người Việt cần bỏ ngay kẻo làm hại tim, hại ruột và tăng huyết áp - Ảnh 4.

When drinking water, drink small sips so that the water has time to penetrate the intestinal wall into the blood vessels and satisfy the thirsty needs of the dehydrated body.

In addition, you need to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits that you consume, so drink water when you are hungry to ensure good weight control.

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