Science Ping

Salmon and unexpected health benefits

Salmon is loved by many people because of its delicious taste, variety of processing, and many health benefits.

Protein is an essential nutrient that the body must obtain from the diet. One serving of salmon contains around 22-25 grams of protein. According to research, for optimal health, we need to add at least 20 to 30 grams of protein to each meal.

Protein helps the body recover from injury, improves bone health, and maintains muscle mass during weight loss.

Salmon helps support weight loss

Salmon is one of the few delicious and nutritious foods that people who are losing weight can safely eat. Similar to other high protein foods, salmon helps regulate appetite control hormones.

Research shows that the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can promote weight loss and belly fat loss in overweight people.

Salmon provides potassium

Compared to farmed salmon, wild salmon provide large amounts of potassium. Specifically, every 100 grams of raw salmon provides 18% of the RDA compared to 11% of farmed salmon.

One analysis found that potassium supplementation lowered blood pressure, especially when added to a diet high in sodium.

Eating salmon lowers the risk of heart disease

The omega-3 content in salmon helps fight heart disease. Research shows that when the balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is lost, the risk of heart disease increases.

Along with this, consuming salmon lowers triglycerides and increases omega-3 fat levels much more than fish oil supplements.

Salmon helps improve brain function

Many studies show that the regular use of salmon in the diet improves brain function. Fish oil helps protect fetal brain health, reduces symptoms of depression, reduces anxiety, reduces memory for old age, and limits the risk of dementia.

Eating salmon at least twice a week helps slow down age-related dementia, according to a study of people 65 and older. In another study, people with normal brain function who regularly eat fish have more gray matter in the brain.

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