Science Ping

5 typical signs to identify a genuine Hung Yen cage label

If it is Hung Yen longan, the pulp will be thick and dry, especially with two very tight ribbons. The other labels do not have this functionality.

Distinguish the real Hung Yen longan through 5 typical signs

In recent weeks, in the markets and in many streets of Hanoi, there may be a lot of products selling hanging labels of Hung Yen labels. Any fruit stall can buy this specialty with prices ranging from 40,000 to 60,000 VND / kg, depending on the type.

However, according to gourmets, the same longan is not a “real” Hung Yen label, but a Son La, Chinese or Thai longan.

So how do you know what the real Hung Yen label is? Consumers can rely on the following characteristics:

About Size: The longan fruit is usually fairly even in size. The weight of each fruit is quite heavy, around 45-50 fruits / kg.

Hung Yen longan has a dark yellow color and shiny smooth leather.

The Longan Shell and Leaves: The shell of Hung Yen’s longan is dark yellow, has a slippery and shiny skin, and is fresh for a long time because it is picked, transported and consumed immediately. Meanwhile, Chinese longan also has large fruits but thinner skin, larger and thicker longan leaves than Hung Yen. Chinese labels often use preservatives to keep the code clean, beautiful, faster, and more rotten. Another type of label is the Thai label, which is transported 1 to 2 days to the wholesale market, so it is often seasoned with preservatives, or because it is closed in a closed container, it is easier to get stained as our label. Thai longan peels are thin, easy to separate, or simply soaked in water to damage them immediately.
Longan Pulp and Seeds: Hung Yen’s longan pulp is thick and dry, while Chinese pulp is thick but with a lot of water. In particular, the caged logan has two very closely arranged ribbons – this is a characteristic that only the Hung Yen longan possesses. On the outer surface of Hung Yen’s longan there are wrinkles, shiny black-brown seeds, poor adhesion between pulp and seeds, pulp and skin. The pulp / fruit ratio was on average 62.7%, higher than that of other longan varieties except the dull variety logan.

5 dấu hiệu đặc trưng để nhận biết nhãn lồng Hưng Yên xịnThe longan logan has two very closely arranged ribbons – this is a characteristic that only the longan of Hung Yen possesses.

Taste: When eating Hung Yen longan, the pulp is crisp, dry and fragrant, it is not the smell of the nose, but sweet, lumpy and fragrant. Chinese longan has a sweet, but dark, strong taste.
Seasonal: Hung Yen longan usually only lasts one month, around 20.8 at the end of September.

3 ways to choose delicious and safe labels

When buying longan, choose those with green stems. Do not buy longan with clean white skin, do not buy longan which has fallen branches, is rotten …

The label uses a preservative which has a dark odor and a brighter skin than the natural one. Sulfur makes the skin of the longan fruit lighter, and if used in high concentrations, it will have an unpleasant dark odor.

Purchased labels should be mixed with clean salt water to wash them (preferably soak them in diluted salt water for about 10 minutes).

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