Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Detection of dozens of groups of white-cheeked gibbons in Quang Binh

During the investigation, experts discovered dozens of groups of siki white-cheeked gibbons in Dong Chau – Khe Nuoc Trong Forest, most of them in the north-central forests.

On July 27, the Provincial Forest Protection Department of Quang Binh said that the Vietnam Nature Conservation Center and the Union of Vietnam Science and Technology Associations discovered species of primates in the Dong Forest Area. Chau – Khe Nuoc. Trong (Kim Thuy commune, Thuy district) in a recent survey.

Therefore, through surveys in the above forest area, 58 groups of siki white cheeked gibbons were recorded in 7 sub-areas of the Khe Nuoc Trong project area, 2 groups of siki white cheeked gibbons were recorded registered outside the survey area (in subdivisions 532, 539). Experts say this is the area with the highest number of siki gibbons and white-cheeked gibbons compared to other areas in the north-central region.

Scientists from the Vietnamese Union of Science and Technology Associations also studied the forests along the Ho Chi Minh Highway, the western branch of the Monkey Bridge to the Sky Gate and recorded 9 groups of brown-stemmed scrub with a number between 98 and 108 individuals.

Dong Chau – Khe Nuoc Forest Zone In Thuy district, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has proposed to plan Quang Binh province as a nature reserve in the future by 2020, with an area of about 20,000 ha. The international conservation organization has identified this as a key area for biodiversity in the biodiversity corridor connecting Vietnam and Laos. This area is considered a place of high biodiversity with many animal species, many of which are globally threatened and very threatened such as: saola, pangolin, gills, brown paw …

The siki white-cheeked crested gibbon, with the scientific name Nomascus leucogenys siki, belongs to group IB (threatened, valuable and rare forest animals). This species is a small genus of white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) living mainly in the forests of Laos bordering Vietnam and the north-central region. Currently, scientists still do not have complete statistics on the number of people living in the natural environment in Vietnam.

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