Science Ping
Planet Earth

For the first time in history, humans have truly changed the four seasons on Earth

And again, that’s not good news, at least for now.

After four decades of using satellite data, climate scientists recently came to a somewhat disturbing conclusion. As a result, for the first time in history, man himself pushed the seasonal temperature of the Earth out of balance. In other words, we are changing the four seasons on Earth.

To be more precise, there is only about 5 parts per million chance of this phenomenon occurring through the impact of nature without human elements.

People make the seasons start to change. Summer can come sooner, winter later

Specifically, scientists have continuously searched for evidence of human traces of impact on nature. They’ve tried everything from rising global temperatures, to the chemistry of seawater, to the rate of ice melting at the poles.

The rate of season change is out of balance between the two Earth’s hemispheres

That’s what they found out. Although the average rise is a worldwide phenomenon, an imbalance is evident.

According to Ben Santer – hydrometeorological expert at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA), this phenomenon is like waves. Over the past 38 years, there are months when the temperature drops, others are high, like a real wave.

Lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử, loài người đã thực sự làm 4 mùa trên Trái đất thay đổi - Ảnh 2.

In the early years of the cycle, these waves are very small. But in the final stage – like in 2016, the “waves” hit harder, higher and more peaks. This means that the temperature difference is getting worse and worse.

In fact, climate models are never perfect. However, given the fluctuating temperature range in recent years, they cannot ignore it. After dismissing the absurd theories, it seems the climate model correctly predicted how fast the Earth is warming.

“The idea that we have overestimated the rate of global warming is actually because some climate models have failed, leading to inaccurate results.” – quoted Friederike Otto, professor of climate at the University of Oxford.

The expert added: “There are a lot of signs that the periodic seasons on Earth are changing, and one of the most obvious is that flowers are blooming earlier than before. These signs make me suffer. Worry. is not something. we want to deal with at this point. “

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