Science Ping

Drink corn stubble water, you should know this

People have long known to use corn stubble in combination with psyllium, cane or pineapple leaves to cook water for heat on hot days. Although it is a benign food, when using corn stubble you should also avoid the following negative health effects.

Dehydration from drinking too much

During the last hot days, seeing that her grandson was full of juices, itching and discomfort, Ms. Nguyen Thi Be (in Hanoi) overheard her neighbors telling her that she had cooked to cook all the food. corn stubble, plantain and lemon. I drink all day instead of water. After a few days, seeing her nephew often tired, sedentary, she took him to check. At that time, my grandmother knew that I had to be hospitalized because of “dehydration”. The doctor said that because his nephew drank too much water with diuretic effects such as corn stubble, it resulted in frequent urination, a lot of urination and hot weather, sweating and dehydration.

General practitioner Vu Quoc Trung (Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association) said that the reason for this situation is that corn stubble has a very good diuretic effect, so when children drink a lot, it will lead to frequent urination., Urinate a lot, causing dehydration. from the body. Corn stubble has a diuretic effect, which increases the amount of urine 3-5 times, increases the secretion of bile and reduces the amount of bilirubin in the blood.

According to traditional medicine, corn stubble has a sweet and balanced taste. The regulatory effects of the kidney and bladder have diuretic effects, digestion, serum heat, calm, regression, blood pressure. Cases of urinary retention, edema very well used.

The Chinese medicine practitioner added that there are rarely plants with high nutritional content like corn stubble. Not only is the tea refreshing, refreshing in summer, corn stub is also a mixed medicine which contains many vitamins and micronutrients in natural form necessary for the body to fight antioxidants better than any medicine.

Corn stubble contains vitamins K, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C … bitter substances, fatty oils, essential oils and many other micronutrients. So, when you drink corn stubble, it is often sweet, creamy, and fresh. Drinking corn stubble daily has the effect of increasing the amount of bile excretion, reducing the viscosity of the bile to facilitate the conduction of bile in the intestines. In addition, it also lowers blood sugar levels, causing the blood to clot rapidly. The proportion of potassium and calcium salts is high, so drink corn stubble without worrying about losing mineral salts.

In medicine, corn stubble is still known to treat cholecystitis, hepatitis and can be combined with vitamin K to stop bleeding. Regular use of broth for people with kidney stones or bladder and ureter will dissolve stones formed by urates, phosphates and carbonates. In addition, it also helps prevent frequent urination in patients with prostatitis or inflammation. Thanks to its diuretic effect, corn stub can also lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

Drink only continuously within 10 days

According to Chinese medicine and medicine, using corn stubble as a drink according to popular experience is a good habit because this drink is relatively benign, inexpensive, but very beneficial for health. However, when using it, you should also be careful not to harm your health. Corn stubble is easily infected with pesticides from the spray, so when using it to boil water, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly.

Many people have a habit of using dried corn stubble as a gradual replacement for tea, but using fresh corn stubble is always the best as it has more nutrients. Choose a broad, shiny, smooth, velvet brown beard. To increase the effect, you can also coordinate with other diuretics such as psyllium, grasshoppers, war roots, reed roots, primrose …

Với trẻ nhỏ khi sử dụng nước mát giải nhiệt ngày hè cần tránh dùng liên tục hàng ngày thay nước lọc.

With young children, when using cool water to cool off on summer days, it is necessary to avoid using constantly changing water every day.

Experts also advise, if you are taking any other medicine to treat the disease, you should not use it with corn stubble tea. It should be noted that it should not be used in combination with any other diuretic, without consulting a specialist. When using corn stubble to treat diseases, it should only be used for about 10 days, then stop using for about a week, then reuse, to avoid electrolyte disturbance. Also, avoid overusing these diuretic drinks at night, which will make it difficult to fall asleep due to the need to urinate a lot at night.

For young children, when using cool water to cool off on summer day, it is necessary to avoid using it continuously, changing the filtered water every day, not using it only for a short time. Long-term use of drugs containing diuretics can cause electrolyte imbalance, increase excretion, poor absorption of some essential micronutrients for the body such as calcium, potassium … The amount of use is about 20 grams of fresh corn stubble. dry corn stubble form is 10gr. Young children should only drink 1 to 2 small cups of about 200 to 300 ml per day. The extra amount of water is sufficient when the child’s urine is clear, only pale yellow.

Pregnant women drink corn stubble water is also very healthy. During the first months, pregnant women often feel heat. To overcome this situation, pregnant women can use fresh herbs such as corn stubble, sugar cane and plantain. When using corn stubble in combination with sugar cane, pregnant women should note that corn stubble has strong diuretic properties, so drinking too much will lead to excessive urination and amniotic fluid. To be safe, pregnant women should only drink twice a week, women with a limited diagnosis of amniotic fluid should limit their use of this water.

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