Science Ping
Planet Earth

200,000m-high water column reveals giant ocean on Jupiter’s Moon

There is water, which means life. Europa – one of Jupiter’s four moons – is emerging as the new candidate with the potential to nurture life in the solar system.

As reported, NASA held a press conference to announce an important discovery over Europe – one of Jupiter’s four moons. Previously, many people had suggested that the press conference would likely include foreign information on this matter.

Sorry, there are no aliens. But in turn, the potential for life on Europe is enormous, as the Hubble Telescope recently captured what looks like a column of water over 200,000 meters high on the surface of this Jupiter.

That said, beneath the surface of Europe lies a giant subterranean ocean, and that water has followed geothermal fringes rising into the air.

According to Paul Hertz, director of astrophysics at NASA: “For a long time, humanity has had a headache wondering if life exists anywhere? And we are lucky to be born. at a time that could answer this question. The truth is, Earth-like life can be found anywhere, as long as there is water and nutrients. “

“So we’ve always been interested in feature-rich places. And it looks like Europa is here. Today’s results give us more confidence in liquid water. The surface of Europe, and we can study it without having to dig the ice for miles. “

Further observations have yet to be made, but if this image is confirmed, Europa will be the second moon in the solar system … water spray has been discovered. Previously, the Cassini spacecraft had glimpsed water hovering above the surface of Enceladus – the moon of Saturn.

“The ocean of Europe is one of the hotspots with potential for life in our solar system,” said Geoff Yoder, administrator of NASA’s science mission guidance: will give us many options to test viability here. “

Previously, experts suspected that beneath Europe’s surface lay a giant ocean, with even twice as much water as the oceans on Earth. However, this water is protected by a layer of super thick, super hard and super cold ice.

Cột nước phun cao 200.000m hé lộ có một đại dương khổng lồ trên Mặt trăng của sao Mộc - Ảnh 3.

The ocean of Europe is hidden under a layer of super thick, super hard and super cold ice

Hubble data for Europa has been collected since January 2014, based on data from the two travel missions Galileo and Voyager. As a result, NASA obtained an image of a suspected water column, sprayed up to 200 km high, then poured onto the surface of Europe.

The team led by William Sparks from the Institute of Astronomical Observatory Science (Baltimore) tracked Europa whenever it passed Jupiter. They realized that if there was actually vapor on Europa, it would have the ability to block light from Jupiter, and we would see that the star had certain shadows.

The follow-up lasted 15 months and the results, as reported, showed signs of vapor on the surface of Europa, making Europa the last candidate with potential for life in the sun. generation.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is also the largest planet in our solar system. It is a gas giant – that is, there is no solid surface, with a mass equal to 2.5 times the mass of all other planets in the solar system combined.

Jupiter has many moons – satellites in natural orbit, including the four main ones, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Moon Europa is approximately 588 million km from Earth (error 670,900 km). It’s about 1,500 times the distance from Earth to our Moon, and to get around here people will need a trip lasting 13 to 14 months.

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