Science Ping

January 3: Confidential information on the manufacture of atomic bombs is stolen by the Soviet Union

During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, both powers invested mountains of money to develop military weapons, of which the most powerful weapon to research and build was the atomic bomb.

During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, both powers invested mountains of money to develop military weapons, of which the most powerful weapon to study and build was the atomic bomb. The Americans successfully built the atomic bomb and tested it repeatedly during the Cold War. This made the Soviet Union very concerned.

This is why the Soviet Union used spies to steal top-secret information about the construction of the atomic bomb. On January 3, 1950, British scientist Klaus Fuchs, one of those involved in the research and construction of atomic bombs, was arrested while trying to steal classified documents from the program for the Soviet Union. . Klaus’s arrest left the Soviet spy line exposed, after which spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested.

Ngày 3/1: Thông tin mật về chế tạo bom nguyên tử bị Liên Xô đánh cắpKlaus Fuchs is one of the most famous spies of the Cold War.

Although British, Klaus was born and raised in Germany. In 1933, Klaus fled Germany to avoid Nazi persecution and fled to Britain. In England he obtained a doctorate in physics, then he also joined a British research project on the atomic bomb.

At this point, the Soviet Union contacted Klaus and began the spy mission, stealing information from the British atomic bomb program. In 1943, Klaus was one of the scientists sent to America to join the Manhattan Project, an American project to develop and test atomic bombs. During this time, Klaus continued to be a spy for the Soviet Union and regularly returned documents related to the construction of the atomic bomb.

The atomic bomb is a destructive weapon that every nation wants to possess in times of war.

In 1950, the United States gathered top-secret Soviet information and discovered that Klaus was one of the spies installed in the American atomic bomb program. Klaus Fuchs was then arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison for revealing military secrets.

After being questioned, Klaus had to open the Soviet spy line. Harry Gold, the liaison between Klaus and the Soviet Union, was also arrested in the United States. Julius Rosenberg, a colleague of Klaus at the Manhattan Project, was also arrested for an exploit. In July 1950, the entire Soviet spy line was destroyed, but the previous documents were sufficient for the Soviet Union to proceed with the construction of its own atomic bomb. Make the arms race more and more intense.

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