Science Ping

Discovery of the ‘super high speed’ route in the universe, helping to move extremely quickly through the solar system

This new understanding could give us a better understanding of how comets and asteroids move through the solar system and their potential threats to Earth, as well as help with research missions. to destroy the solar system in the future.

According to the news site ScienceAlert, researchers have just discovered an “ultra-high speed” cosmic network, opening up possibilities for people to shorten the travel time from Earth to remote regions of the solar system. God.

The team is known to have observed and researched “space varieties” – invisible structures made up of a series of connected arcs created by the gravitational interactions of the planets. in the solar system. According to the researchers, the spatial varieties will combine to create what is called the “highways of the cosmic celestial”.

However, finding spatial varieties is not easy. Researchers at the University of California (USA) had to analyze the orbits of millions of celestial bodies in the solar system by observing them directly or by simulating them on a computer, then calculating how they interact and bond. together to find clues.

Space highways allow meteors to travel through space much faster than previously thought – for example, traveling between Jupiter and Neptune in less than a decade

While observing objects ranging from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter to Uranus, the team found a multiple spatial structure. This structure is related to Jupiter as well as the powerful gravity of the planet, which affects objects under its influence.

“We discovered a spatial variety structure that has never been found before, consisting of a series of connected arcs extending from the asteroid belt to Uranus and beyond,” the team said. said.

According to the team, this “ high space speed ” network allowed comets and asteroids to travel from nearby Jupiter to Neptune in less than a decade, and travel distances. Line 100 AU (1 AU equals the distance between the Earth and the Sun) in less than 100 years. Normally, it would take hundreds of thousands to millions of years for objects to travel this long distance.

Đây là bản đồ của các "cao tốc vũ trụ" xung quanh sao Mộc
Here is a map of the “space highways” around Jupiter – emphasizing the very chaotic structure inside the arches.

This new understanding could help us better understand how comets and asteroids move through the solar system and their potential threat to Earth. And of course, they will help in future solar system exploration missions.

However, scientists still face many challenges. For example, we’ll have to find a way to take advantage of these space highways so that spaceships can travel faster.

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