Science Ping
Animal Other Pets

The little bird caused a storm because he had the same hair as the character in the movie ‘Itaewon Class’

I thought you were Sae Ro Yi’s twin!

Recently an online account shared a photo of her “beautiful bird” with the caption: “I love playing birds so I bought it, my wife agreed to raise it but had to cut her hair according to his idol” .

The hair is a little spread out.
It doesn’t take too long to figure out who the “Woman’s Idol” is, as it refers to the character Sae Ro Yi, played by actor Park Seo Joon in the Korean movie “Itaewon Class” Raining. wind.
After just a few hours of posting, the photo received thousands of comments and shares. Almost everyone immediately recognized that this bird’s “hair” was exactly like Sae Ro Yi. Some fangirls have even commented that they intend to buy birds to cut their hearts off!
Chú chim nhỏ gây bão mạng vì sở hữu mái tóc y chang nhân vật trong phim Tầng lớp Itaewon - Ảnh 2.

Beautiful yet?

Chú chim nhỏ gây bão mạng vì sở hữu mái tóc y chang nhân vật trong phim Tầng lớp Itaewon - Ảnh 3.
There is also a vortex like anybody else.
But after finding out, it turned out to be a Gloster Corona bird with “flat-roofed” feathers on its head. We know that this “son” is quite expensive on the market and that not everyone can buy it.However, some people think that Sae Ro Yi’s hair is still short and boring, the best comparison has to be singer Daesung’s hair in the Big Bang group!
Chú chim nhỏ gây bão mạng vì sở hữu mái tóc y chang nhân vật trong phim Tầng lớp Itaewon - Ảnh 4.

It doesn’t look different!


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