Science Ping

Find out why the “super sun” is unusually weak

Scientists have finally figured out what caused Betelgeuse, one of the brightest stars in the sky, to mysteriously darken in 2019.

When Betelgeuse – 1,000 times more massive than the Sun, located about 725 light years from Earth – faded in early 2019, scientists thought it was a sign that one of the brightest stars in the world. night sky was dying gradually losing energy. This is the process that leads to a massive supernova explosion.

But now Betelgeuse has regained her normal glow.

Research published in the journal Nature on June 16 shows that Betelgeuse darkens due to the dust surrounding it.

According to the team, Betelgeuse released a large gas bubble. As its surface cools, this drop in temperature is enough for things heavier than air, like silicon, to condense into surrounding dust. The dust cloud lingered for months, blocking Betelgeuse’s light, making it darker and darker.

“We have directly witnessed the formation of what is called stellar dust,” said astrophysicist Miguel Montargès, lead author of the study.

Although Betelgeuse did not become a supernova, its gradation provides important information about the universe.

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