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NASA holds press conference to announce: Is There Life on Jupiter’s Moon, Europe?

NASA researchers have revealed that under the moon’s icy crust, Europa Jupiter could exist a vast ocean, possibly with life.

Europa is one of Jupiter’s four largest moons that NASA has noticed in decades.

NASA scientists have long suspected that a vast, vast ocean exists beneath the icy shell of the moon in Jupiter, Europe. It is a favorable premise as well as a new hope for a habitable planet.

And the official press conference at 2:00 p.m. ET on Monday (i.e. around 2:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 27) will reveal a mysterious message – unexpected proof of the Europa Moon.

This information makes many scientists find it interesting and exciting. NASA scientists calculate that the stoichiometry of the ocean below Europe’s 3,100 km surface has the same potential for producing hydrogen and oxygen as on Earth.

This ocean can have an environment similar to the environment near hot geysers on the seabed or like that of Lake Vostok in the Arctic.

NASA tổ chức họp báo công bố: có sự sống trên Mặt trăng Europa của sao Mộc? - Ảnh 2.

Europa’s surface temperature is 110 K (-160 ° C; -260 ° F) at the equator and 50 K (-220 ° C; -370 ° F) at the poles, making the ice d ‘Europe as hard as granite. Life in such an environment, if any, would be similar to proto-marine life forms on Earth.

NASA plans to launch a mission to discover life on this Moon in 2020.

Europa is the sixth moon, orbiting Jupiter from the inside. Europa was discovered by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius in 1610.

During its orbit, Europe approaches and moves away from Jupiter, changing its gravity.

As a result, this Moon is constantly squeezed and released like a bubble filled with water, creating cracks and flaws.

NASA tổ chức họp báo công bố: có sự sống trên Mặt trăng Europa của sao Mộc? - Ảnh 4.

The next press conference will have the participation of many major researchers such as:

– Paul Hertz, Director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters

– William Sparks, astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore

– Britney Schmidt, assistant professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

– Jennifer Wiseman, senior scientist for the Hubble project at NASA’s Goddard Space Center

The press conference promises to provide the public with the most “shocking” and interesting information about Europa as well as the results that the scientific community has gathered in recent times. Don’t forget to follow! We will bring you the fastest information!

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