Science Ping

New theory about the end of the world in September

After a string of failures over the years, some conspiracy theorists have just returned with new doomsday predictions, but NASA continues to reject them.

In a new statement, conspiracy theorists warn that the mysterious planet Nibiru will destroy Earth in a furious collision in September. Specifically, the New Zealand Herald news site cited the house as saying. Predictions Based on Numbers in the Bible David Meade has said that the “killer of the earth” will end everything from September 20 to 23.

To add weight to the prophecy this time around, Mr. Meade backs up his argument by sharing clues shown about the ancient Egyptian pyramids. In a clip posted to YouTube, he said that the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Book of Revelation 12 both have similar clues to portents of the end of the world.

Despite the lack of evidence for the existence of this hypothesis, which according to the US Space Agency (NASA) classified as an “Internet prank”, many people still believe in the existence of a mysterious planet. Nibiru has been predicted to end the world on several occasions since 2003, and of course never succeeded.

According to Mr. Meade, the so-called Planet X, or Nibiru, will appear in the Earth’s sky in mid-September before completing the terrible omen.

Previously, he predicted the destruction event that would take place in September using clues from the Bible, but now says the fateful day is further determined by the signs of the pyramid, according to MailOnline.

For example, the two tunnels of the Great Pyramid of Giza will point to certain celestial bodies after September 20. In this one, the tunnel that goes down will point to the star Regulus, the largest star in the constellation Leo, while the tunnel that will go up will point to Jupiter, which according to the Jews is “the planet of the Messiah”.

Mr Meade’s latest theory has been updated based on a prediction in January of this year of a star he calls “the sun’s twin,” which is heading “towards the south pole.” Meade, author of Planet X: A Return in 2017, suggested that the star would carry “seven celestial bodies revolving around it,” including Nibiru, a large blue planet.

On NASA’s website, the agency specifically answered questions around the apocalypse related to the existence of a mysterious planet that scientists have never discovered. At first, the above hypothesis was used to predict a destructive event in May 2003, but the world was still completely safe at that time.

Then the date of the doom was moved by conspiracy theorists to December 2012, this time based on clues that say “as safe as corn” because it is based on the ancient Mayan calendar. However, again, nothing happened on December 21, 2012. And in the last one, even the pyramids are involved.

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