Science Ping
Planet Earth

5 bizarre facts from our own Earth that very few people know

Did you know that north and south can also be reversed, that the hour of a day is not always 24 hours, and that there is a place where gold – the metal that everyone craves – is so much that it covers the whole onion. 45 cm thick layer?

Always know that the Earth still contains many mysteries. Always know that science is making efforts every day and has also successfully responded to many phenomena.

Yet we still can’t stop being surprised by this familiar “cradle” from the beginning of this human race.

1. Super big gold in the middle layer: 1.6 trillion tons, enough to cover the whole planet

According to the estimates of geologists, in the core of the hot forest of the Earth, there is approximately … 1600 billion tons of gold, so much so that it is enough to cover the surface of 510 million km2 of the Earth, but 45 cm.

5 sự thật kỳ dị đến từ chính Trái đất của chúng ta mà rất ít người từng biết đến - Ảnh 1.

But don’t be too happy! Even if there is more, no gold crumbs will fit in your pocket.

The reason was simple: there was no way to extract this unlimited wealth. The temperature at the center of the planet is 60,000 degrees Celsius. Humans can fly in space, but across the earth it is hard to fear.

2. The length of a day is not 24 hours

If you think a day is always 24 hours, that’s a bit wrong. 620 million years ago, a day on Earth was only 21.9 hours. And 350 million years ago, it was about 23 hours a day.

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The reason for this movement is because of the pressure of the tides. It interferes with the Earth’s rotation, causing the planet to rotate about 1.7 thousand seconds slower every … century.

Do not laugh! His grandparents inherently have the expression “Little Tieu to Great”. So if the earth is still about 50 billion years away from now, a day would be 1000 hours. Just thinking about what to do for the rest of the day takes so long, it’s enough …

But of course that day will not come, because the Sun’s life will only last a few billion years.

3. The North Pole was not the North Pole

Only on the magnetic properties, of course. Because the Earth’s core is melted, the enormous amount of iron it contains can also move, causing a polar inversion on the ground.

About 800,000 years ago, the North is now the South and vice versa. Previously, the two North-South directions also reversed every 200 to 300,000 years.

It looks like we are very close to the next magnetic field reversal. But the study of fossil data shows that this inversion has no effect on surface life.

4. Rivers can also boil and lakes can explode.

These two strange phenomena are not difficult for science to explain, but they are both interesting and frightening.

The boiling river is located in the catfish
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Amazon crosses Peru. In fact, it only boils for a length of 8.8 km and only occurs during the dry season.

The river is boiling, at nearly 100 degrees Celsius in the Amazon

Oddly enough, the shamans of some of the native tribes living around believe that soaking in the boiling river is a way to “dispel all disease”. In fact, if people wander the smoky stretch of the river, people might die of burns before they die of illness, as the temperature in this river sometimes reaches close to 100 degrees Celsius.

The explosion lake is a particularly rare phenomenon that occurs once every thousand years, and only occurs in extremely deep lakes, which accumulate a lot of carbon dioxide. This enormous amount of CO2 had to be activated by seismic action to cause an eruption.

Although super rare, once it does, the explosion of the lake will cause terrible disasters. It sends CO2 shock waves through the air, suffocating people and animals nearby. It would be better if it explodes during the day, because we still know how to run. But if it silently explodes in the middle of the night, the consequences are immeasurable.

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As in the explosion of Lake Nyos in Cameroon on the night of August 21, 1986. The event claimed the lives of 1,746 people and 3,500 domestic animals. And of the 800 Cameroonians living nearby, only six of them survived.

5. The driest desert is located in … Antarctica

As common sense dictates, the driest deserts must be in Africa, the hottest continent on the planet. But in fact, it is located in the middle of Antarctica, the iceiest and coldest land.

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The arid valley of Antarctica – the driest desert in the world

True to the name of the dry valleys, this Antarctic desert is completely dry, without a single drop of rain over the past 2 million years.

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