Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Struggling with Covid-19, nearly 300 zoo and botanical garden workers have agreed to cut their salaries by 30% to keep costs down for 1,500 animals.

Troubled by the Covid-19 epidemic, the staff of the Zoo and Botanical Garden (HCMC) had to minimize costs, unanimously cut their salaries by 30% to maintain the best diet for nearly 1,500 animals. This park is also calling for the hands and help of the community.

Vietnam faces the second outbreak of Covid-19. Although we have been and have controlled the epidemic well so far, economic sectors such as tourism, services or entertainment have clearly encountered many difficulties.

The Zoo and Botanical Garden (HCMC) is one of the public entertainment venues which has been severely affected by the epidemic. In the previous translation, this park had to be closed without visitors for 2 months, resulting in a sharp drop in income. Not in time to recover, when the second outbreak erupted, Thao Cam Vien continued to face difficulties due to the lack of visitors.

Lao đao do dịch Covid-19, gần 300 nhân viên của Thảo Cầm Viên đồng lòng giảm 30% lương để duy trì chi phí cho 1500 động vật - Ảnh 1.
Lao đao do dịch Covid-19, gần 300 nhân viên của Thảo Cầm Viên đồng lòng giảm 30% lương để duy trì chi phí cho 1500 động vật - Ảnh 1.
Lao đao do dịch Covid-19, gần 300 nhân viên của Thảo Cầm Viên đồng lòng giảm 30% lương để duy trì chi phí cho 1500 động vật - Ảnh 1.
Animals are bred in the zoo and botanical garden – Photo: Zoo and botanical garden
Faced with the difficult situation, recently the Botanical Garden had to publish an article on the fanpage to share about the nearly 300 park employees who must unanimously reduce salaries and minimize costs to maintain the regime. 1500 animals are kept there.
This park shared: “Today, the nearly 300 brothers and sisters of the Botanical Garden have unanimously reduced their salaries by 30% to overcome this difficult period together.
There are too many events per year where the zoo and botanical garden have to close for 2 months and operate in moderation before and after the first lockdown.
You have done everything to minimize costs, to maintain the best diet for nearly 1,500 animals. With such difficulties, we are still coming back from the first quarantine with numerous infrastructure and system upgrades, as well as new educational programs and community projects. Animal friends are in great condition as the community has seen in recent shares.
Message from the Botanical Garden on Facebook – Screenshot
At the same time, through this post, the Botanical Garden wishes to receive the support of the community both material and spiritual to help the park to overcome the immediate difficult period.
Next time, it will be the difficult times again, all your help, whether material or shared, will give us the motivation and the spirit to overcome, brothers of the Botanical Garden. 1 more time.
Thank you so much! “.
Lao đao do dịch Covid-19, gần 300 nhân viên của Thảo Cầm Viên đồng lòng giảm 30% lương để duy trì chi phí cho 1500 động vật - Ảnh 3.
Lao đao do dịch Covid-19, gần 300 nhân viên của Thảo Cầm Viên đồng lòng giảm 30% lương để duy trì chi phí cho 1500 động vật - Ảnh 3.

Zoo and Botanical Garden staff take care of newborn babies – Photo: Zoo and Botanical Garden

Lao đao do dịch Covid-19, gần 300 nhân viên của Thảo Cầm Viên đồng lòng giảm 30% lương để duy trì chi phí cho 1500 động vật - Ảnh 4.
Before that, singer Dan Truong entrusted 2 otters to the zoo and the botanical garden.
The above post from the Botanical Garden has received the attention of many internet users. Under the comments section, many people said they donated a small amount of money to partner with the zoo and botanical garden to overcome difficulties and help the animals to be raised on a good diet.
In addition, many people are also expressing their wishes at the zoo and botanical garden and calling on the community to help help the park overcome the current difficulties.
Some comments from the online community:
“I hope that the Botanical Garden will overcome the difficulties quickly, I hope that the staff will still be in good health.”
“The epidemic makes it difficult for us, I hope that the epidemic will end quickly, I wish the Botanical Garden a beautiful green and always”.
“Meanwhile, a small contribution can also help staff stay active and take good care of the animals. A hand to help everyone ”.
Support for the zoo and botanical garden continues to grow rapidly. Let us share our greetings and encouragement for a strong botanical garden, to overcome difficulties soon!

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