Science Ping

4 skin-saving foods

Ripe oranges, pumpkins, bananas … are foods that can help you have beautiful skin.

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The vitamins in oranges are among the best. Vitamin C has the ability to prevent wrinkles, slow down the aging process, improve strength, fight inflammation and most importantly help lighten the skin to reduce dark spots.

It is a powerful antioxidant that helps destroy free radical molecules, such as molecules produced by skin overexposure to the sun, leading to premature aging of the skin.

Orange also promotes the production of natural collagen for the skin because it contains bioflavonoids. The more collagen you have, the stronger and healthier your skin is.

Red pumpkin

Bí đỏ không những là món ăn ngon, bổ dưỡng mà còn có tác dụng chữa nhiều bệnh

If you have less youthful skin that lacks vitality, pumpkin will be an effective medicine to improve your skin. Using pumpkin correctly for beauty not only protects your delicate skin from harmful environmental factors, but also helps the skin to become rosier, cleaner and smaller.

Pumpkin contains high levels of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps slow skin aging, and omega-3 fatty acids that keep skin smooth; smooth hair.

In addition, the zinc in pumpkin reduces the appearance of acne and other skin problems. Add pumpkin to the daily menu to increase the source of vitamins, antioxidants significantly help prolong youth, nourish and replenish blood.

Ripe bananas

Những quả chuối vàng ươm và cuống còn tươi sẽ đảm bảo nguồn dinh dưỡng và năng lượng cho cơ thể

Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B and E which, once absorbed by the body, will help the skin to strengthen its ability to fight against aging. In addition, minerals such as magnesium and potassium along with body fiber help the body to circulate blood vessels and strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, eating bananas regularly is also a way to make the skin healthier and smoother.


Đừng ăn khoai lang kiểu này vì cực hại cho sức khỏe - 1

Sweet potatoes are sweet food, contain many natural vitamins and collagen, so they are very good for purifying and improving skin health, helping the body laxative, effectively burning energy. So, sweet potatoes have long been a very good weight loss, beauty and laxative food;

They also work to regulate blood vessel circulation, stabilize blood sugar levels, and keep skin young. You should be eating steamed, boiled, and souped, not fried sweet potatoes.

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