Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

11 secrets not to mention the Caribbean “sea monster”

Axolotl is a species of jellyfish from the Caribbean Sea. It looked like a fish, but it had an ox’s leg that looked like a lizard. Their strange shape makes them call them “sea monsters” or “walking fish”.

“Walking fish” Axolotl has been around the planet for a long time, but there is still a lot about this strange creature that humans haven’t known. Recently, Axolotl has been imported to Vietnam as a very popular ornamental plant.

Let’s explore some of Axolotl’s mysteries:

1. Axolotl means “water dog”

Axolotl có nghĩa là “chó nước’

Axolotl’s scientific name is Turritopsis Nutricula. The name Axolotl comes from the Mexican language, atl means “water”, xolotl means “dog”.

The name Axolotl means “water dog”. With the strange shape and properties of Axolotl, people consider Axolotl to be a pet for home use.

2. White Axolotl is rare

Axolotl is usually brown to green or black in color, very rarely white children. White is called “leucistique”, which is a hybrid product of a mutated male imported from France in 1803.

Adult blacks have blue eyes, unlike whites, who often have red eyes.

3. Hairless head not visible

Đầu có lông không nhìn thấy

Axolotl’s head is usually hairy but very small and short, so difficult to see. It also has soft peaks which are metabolic and help them move.

4. Axolotl is no longer in nature

Axolotl không còn trong tự nhiên

You can see Axolotl in aquariums and laboratories around the world, but not in the natural world.

It survives only in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico. Axolotl is very easy to keep, it can eat small fish, worms and anything near its mouth.

5. Axolotl is in danger of extinction

Axolotl đang có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

Due to pollution, habitat loss and encroachment from other aquatic animals, Axolotl is increasingly threatened, although it has the “rejuvenating” property of regrowing parts of the body.

In order to preserve Axolotl, scientists have installed a shelter for them with reeds and rocks. But the amount of Axolotl continues to decrease.

The 1998 survey recorded around 6,000 wild Axolotl species, which scientists rarely find.

In 2014, biologists could not find any more. They are probably extinct in the natural world, living only in man-made pools.

6. Can eat Axolotl meat

When Axolotl is not yet in danger of extinction, Mexicans tend to eat them with cereals. Someone described eating it tasting like eel meat.

Nowadays, to taste this special jellyfish, you have to go to Japan. In Osaka Prefecture, there is a restaurant serving Axolotl-based dishes, especially the crispy grilled Axolotl. It tastes like white fish meat but is a bit crispy

7. Myths about Axolotl

Truyện thần thoại về Axolotl

In Mexican mythology, Axolotl is the dog god who embodies evil, leading the souls of the dead to the underworld.

Some stories have been transformed, associated with real stories that have happened. But it is believed that the dog-headed god turned into Axolotl to hide.

This iguana-like jellyfish was trapped in Lake Xochimilco, unable to turn into dirt.

8. Axolotl like larvae

Axolotl như loài ấu trùng

Larvae are organisms that reach adulthood and remain unchanged. In rare cases, they exhibit traits from adolescence to adulthood. Axolotl is a prime example of larvae.

They grow up but never mature. Unlike tadpoles and similar animals, they cling to thorns and live in water despite having highly developed lungs.

9. Axolotl is stimulated to mature

Axolotl bị kích trưởng thành

Scientist stimulates adult Axolotl by preventing it from living in water. This causes an increase in the hormone surge, leading to unexpected growth. Axolotl looks more like a tadpole but requires additional culture.

Axolotl can alter lifestyle habits, but biologists recommend against preserving them.

10. The “rejuvenation” of Axolotl

Phép “cải lão hoàn đồng” của Axolotl

Drones help capture images in places humans cannot go.

Axolotl has the ability to grow to replace organs, such as limbs, spine, including the brain without leaving scars, as if it were “rejuvenating” magic. It is considered the only immortal organism on Earth.

You can cut the spinal cord, cut the hind leg of its foreleg, it grows another perfectly replaced part, leaving no trace. You cut it 100 times and it always grows back like that.

Scientists have tried to successfully transplant parts of one Axolotl to another Axolotl.

11. Science seeks to decode Axolotl’s “rejuvenated rejuvenation”

Although the device is currently controversial, many people believe it will become popular in the future.

In 2012, the Salk Institute for Biological Research published two studies on Axolotl’s regenerative abilities in hopes of finding a mechanism that applies to humans.

But the results of the study showed that partial reconstruction of Axolotl was more complicated than scientists thought. They fear that humans do not have the genes necessary for organ reproduction.

They are continuing their research in the hope that the future will open a new direction of treatment for people who need to replace body parts.

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