Science Ping

11 great water supplements for the body

In addition to drinking water, adding vegetables and fruits to meals and desserts during the day is also a good solution to hydrate the body.

Eating vegetables also helps you replenish a considerable amount of water for your body, plus there are countless other essential nutrients absorbed by these nutrient rich food sources in your body. Here is a list of vegetables that will help you replenish your body, keep you energized, and have youthful, smooth skin:

1. Cucumber (96.7% water)

We regularly use cucumbers to help cleanse the body during the summer. Not only in summer, cucumbers are available all year round in the market. At the same time, cucumbers are vegetables and tubers with a high water content.

You can slice the cucumbers into thin slices, then sprinkle with a little eating spice blend, or use cucumber as a salad. Additionally, to maximize the benefits and water-rich properties of cucumbers, we can mix cucumbers with yogurt, mint, and ice cubes to make a nutritious drink.

2. Radish (95.3% water)

Vegetables like radishes add a considerable amount of water to daily meals.

You can mix beets with a spicy spice, a blend of antioxidants called catechins. Whether you use a red or white radish, it is very crunchy. So that you can cut the radish into thin slices, or chop and mix with cabbage, carrots are the perfect crunchy salad.

Or we can use flax powder, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, chili mixed with beetroot, guaranteeing you a premium blend that regenerates the body.

3. Tomatoes (94.5% water)

Tomatoes are foods that contain a lot of water. Simply cut the tomatoes into slices and sprinkle with salt and pepper to eat.

Also, you can add peanut powder, yogurt, salt, dill powder to make your Raita salad. There are a variety of tomatoes available in supermarkets.

Another tomato-based dish is the chili sauce, you just need to mix the tomatoes, green peppers, basil, lemon juice and salt. Tomato chili sauce is great for dipping vegetables.

4. Cauliflower (contains 92.1% water)

Cauliflower is a vegetable that looks tough, poor in water, and dry. But cauliflower is rich in water, phytonutrients, cholesterol-lowering vitamins, and is one of the cancer-preventing foods.

We can boil cauliflower with salad. Prepare soups with cauliflower, cook cauliflower with tomatoes in a nutritious soup, or make pickles with cauliflower.

5. Watermelon (91.5% water)

As we know, watermelon contains a lot of water and can hold water very well for the body for a long time.

This juicy melon is high in lycopene – an antioxidant, anti-cancer, easy to find in red fruits and vegetables. In fact, the composition of watermelon contains more lycopene than tomatoes with 12 mg, while tomatoes contain only 3 mg of lycopene.

It’s simple, you just have to break the melon into small pieces and eat it. Or we can drink watermelon for water in the fridge, helping you have fresh, sweet, easy-to-drink glasses of watermelon. So this is also the best way to help us replenish water for the body.

6. Strawberry

Strawberry is one of the best moisturizing fruits for the skin. Among the fruits of the strawberry family, the berry-colored red strawberry is the best for hydration.

If cranberries contain 85% water, raspberries contain 88.2% water, while strawberries are much better, in the composition of strawberries, water is 91%.

We can mix strawberries with smoothies or unsweetened yogurt, or you can mix strawberries with any type of sweet food. Mixing water with carbohydrates, fiber, and protein is a quick snack to help your body recover from exercise.

7. Grapefruit (contains 90.5% water)

Grapefruit helps lower cholesterol, reduce height. Therefore, you must add sweet citrus fruits to your daily diet.

The natural compounds found in citrus fruits help burn excess fat, balance blood sugar and reduce cravings.

Eat each bowl of grapefruit every day or mix the grapefruit with a yogurt or irregular smoothie.

8. Celery (contains 95.4% water)

In the composition of celery contains a large amount of water, which helps neutralize the acid in the stomach.

Celery is a neutral and very low calorie heartburn remedy. Each celery stalk contains only about 6 calories.

Thanks to the property of rich in fiber and water, celery is very good for the body, can limit appetite. In addition, celery is also rich in ingredients such as folic acid, vitamins A, C and K.

9. Poivrons verts (94% d’eau)

De tous les types de poivrons, les poivrons verts contiennent une bonne quantité d’eau. Car si les poivrons jaunes et rouges ne représentent qu’environ 92%, chez les poivrons verts, la quantité d’eau représente 94%.

Dans le même temps, les poivrons verts sont également riches en antioxydants, vous pouvez utiliser des poivrons verts dans les salades. Les poivrons verts sont très appréciés en cuisine, notamment pour préparer des plats comme les pommes de terre, le paneer, l’ajout d’épices et de sel pour préparer des plats nutritifs.

10. Cannelle (91,4% là-bas)

Ce fruit tropical est idéal pour faire des salades ou ajouté aux cocktails d’été.

Le carambole est riche en antioxydants, en particulier l’épicatéchine, un composé sain pour le cœur que l’on trouve couramment dans le vin rouge, le chocolat noir et le thé vert.

11. Chou (teneur en eau jusqu’à 95,6%)

C’est un choix judicieux pour les femmes au foyer, car le chou est un légume riche en fibres et en nutriments comme le folate et la vitamine K. Il contient également l’un des légumes les plus nutritifs pour tous les légumes.

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