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10 most expensive fish species in the world

Fish is a very rich and diverse species of fish, there are many species of oddly shaped fish that can make us panic when caught.

Fish is quite a rich and diverse species of fish, there are many species of oddly shaped fish that can make us panic when caught. However, there are also many brightly colored fish that we often use as an aquarium or in the home. However, in addition to popular aquarium fish such as goldfish and guppies, there are some very special aquarium fish that can cost up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per fish.

10. Fish Candy Basslet (1000 USD)

Candy Basslet is a small fish with the most vibrant colors in the ocean world. It is found in Caribbean waters, mainly off the waters of CuraƧao. Although it is difficult to catch this fish in the wild, as it often lives in coral reefs. However, they are easy to adapt to growing conditions with artificial marine environments. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future the price of this ornamental fish will be reduced, until then the current price of each Candy Basslet fish is around 1000 USD / fish.

9. Clarion Angelfish (2,500 USD)

The Clarion Angelfish is a special fish named after one of the most beautiful islands off the Pacific coast of Mexico, which is part of the Revillagigedo Islands. This fish has a vibrant color with distinctive blue stripes. Although this fish has been raised by humans for about 40 years, the quantity is sold very little as stores must obtain a special permit from the Mexican government. This is why the price of a Clarion Angelfish fish is very high, around $ 2,500 / fish.

8. Wrought iron butterflies (2,700 USD)

wrought iron butterflyfish
Wrought iron is the largest fish in the butterfly family, their size can reach on average 15 cm. They are usually found off the coast of Japan and their numbers are minimal, at least of all butterflyfish species. Their names are named after the color of the body, dark gray with colored dots and the main highlight is a yellow border on the tail. Due to the very small quantity, the price per wrought iron butterfly fish was around 2700 USD.

7. Australian Flathead Perch (US $ 5,000)

flathead perch
This fish is found in Australian waters. Usually, it hides in rocky holes and swims just for food. These small fish have a fast speed like arrows, and most of the time hiding makes them very difficult to catch. They have a vibrant color with mostly red with white stripes, the tail accented with a circle like an eye. Because it is difficult to catch, this small fish can cost up to $ 5,000 / fish.

6. Neptune’s Grouper ($ 6,000)

neptune grouper
You will not be able to find these beautiful fish in aquarium stores because they are difficult to catch. Neptune groupers live in great depths, which makes them extremely difficult to catch. In adulthood, their body color changes from an orange-yellow to a bright pink. This particular fish is sold in very limited quantities for $ 6,000 / fish.

5. Golden Basslet (8,000 USD)

Golden Basslet

It is one of the smallest members of the grouper family, they are found both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic. Although well suited to captivity, it is very rare to see this fish for sale. Their bodies have a very peculiar bright yellow color, and the difficulty of catching them makes them very expensive. Each Basslet fish is currently sold for around $ 8,000.

4. Fish Bladefin Basslet (10,000 USD)

Maybe you won’t believe that a small fish with an ordinary appearance like Bladefin Basslet costs up to $ 10,000. This fish with the largest size is only about 3 to 4 cm, often lives in coral reefs in deep water and rarely swims. The most distinctive feature is that the fin looks like a small horn on the back of this fish, and hobbyists say that the longer the fin, the more valuable the fish.

3. Angel fish with peppermint ($ 30,000)

In 2012, a single peppermint angelfish was exhibited to visitors. This fish was captured by an ocean research team at the Smithsonian Institution and then exhibited in an aquarium in the Waikiki Aquarium. This fish is distinguished by its red and white stripes, but the reason for its high cost is its rarity in the market. Peppermint Angels live in depths that ordinary divers cannot reach, but require professional equipment. This is why their price is around 30,000 USD / animal.

2. Freshwater Polka Dot Stingray ($ 100,000)


This special aquarium fish is currently Taiwan’s most expensive aquarium fish, with prices going up to $ 100,000 / fish. This freshwater stingray is not as big as the saltwater stingray. Freshwater polka-dot stingrays are more prominent with many small dots on their bodies, which makes this fish very classy. Not only that, they also have a genetically modified shape on the front end which gives it a U shape instead of a circular shape. Another peculiarity is that this fish is difficult to survive in the wild because it is difficult to catch prey which are crustaceans with its special head. In captivity, they must be hand-fed.

1. Platinum Arowana (400,000 USD)

Platinum Arowana

The king of aquarium fish is arowana and the king of arowana is Platinum arowana (also known as albino arowana). Platinum Arowana is a special type of body color mutation, similar to the human albino mutation, giving their body a white color. Arowana usually live in rivers of South America, Southeast Asia and Africa, they can grow up to three feet in length and live up to 50 years. There are many different colored arowanas, of which the silver colored arowana is the cheapest price, followed by blue, yellow and more expensive arowanas. However, the most expensive remains the Platinum Albino Arowana, with the price equivalent to a super sports car.

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